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Principal's Message

Dear Boys and Girls:

I bid you farewell with a deep sense of pride and affection. I have come to know many of you as individuals in various aspects of school life. I have come to know the unique characteristics, accomplishments and frailties of so many of you.

Throughout your years at the Canarsie School it has been our major purpose to help you grow into intelligent, compassionate and responsible citizens. It has been our objective to build in you an unswerving appreciation of and a loyalty to the democratic values upon which our nation stands. Our emphasis has always been to develop in you the necessary skills that you will need for a sound educational foundation. This foundation will not only serve you well in your pursuit for higher education, if that is your goal, but will be of advantage to you in your social and busines endeavors. Each of your teachers has had much to offer you. They have contributed and influenced your intellectual, social and emotional growth. You have the necessary tools to get the job done. I have no doubt that you will carry on in the tradition of the thousands of Canarsie School students who preceded you and are now productive members of our society, no matter what their walk of life.

I have one earnest wish for you: Live your lives in such a way that you will reflect credit upon yourselves, your parents and your community. I echo the wishes of all our faculty when I say to you good luck and Godspeed.

Sincerely yours,
Murray Soltano

Assistant Principal's Message

Dear Boys and Girls:

Congratulations on the occasion of the successful completion of your elementary studies at The Canarsie School. Your promotion is a major step in your education.

The Middle School with its new freedoms, demands and responsibilities will be a significant change from your familiar surroundings at P.S. 115 and this change will require you to practice a greater degree of self-discipline. You will have to evaluate and monitor your own progress as you work to achieve your academic, social and athletic goals. You will be held more accountable for your actions and must begin to think carefully about the things you do and the friends you choose.

Remember that your parents and teachers are there to assist you when you have difficult choices or important questions. Remember that honesty, hard work, friendship, sensitivity and respect for yourselves and others are not just empty words found only in the dictionary but rather personal goals for a lifetime as productive citizens.

I wish you all the best that life has to offer and continued success in achieving your goals.

Yours truly,
Joseph P. Seluga
Assistant Principal